Each year, on the day after Thanksgiving, our family drives up north. We have done this year after year, from the time our oldest daughter, Alyssa, was our 'only' child. We have, over the years, endured; cold, rain, snow, sleet, a very pregnant wife, multiple diaper changes, pushing crying babies in strollers thru snow covered fields, and many other untold dangers...
All in pursuit of........ the most perfect, " McManus Family Christmas Tree"!
This year...was no exception !!!!!
...We picked it out..

We cut it down...

..We brought it in the house and had our traditional cutting of the twine ceremony...WOwwww, it looked smaller in the field !!

Then we decorated it...

Later that night...
...The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And Mom up in bed, and I on the couch,
Had just settled down for a ......
.....When out from the other room there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away to the dining room I flew like a flash,
Then I heard the really loud "
..When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But our amazing Christmas tree fallen over...broken bulbs everywhere..geeeeesh..what a mess!
It was just too much for the stand...Sue strongly suggested a smaller tree next year...I think we just need a bigger stand
:)(we cleaned up the mess.. the tree looks awesome again, all strapped to the wall and such.)