Monday, April 30, 2007

Clean! Clean! Clean!

OK, I have to admit, I'm a bit of a pack rat(my wife would say that's an understatement). When it comes to saving things,I've got this 'ya never know when you might need this' mentality. But today is a new day! Today I threw that mentality out the window, along with numerous garbage cans full of stuff. I'm on a mission and I'm taking no prisoners.

It's spring cleaning with a vengeance. Even the boys are working. It's amazing how fast five boys can clean a a machine. They're no strangers to cleaning. They've actually had to learn to do more things, at a younger age, than most. I've found that children are much more capable, than many give them credit for. Grace is already starting to help set the table. She also puts her dirty dishes in the sink and throws away her own garbage, and she's not even two yet. I certainly don't put any huge responsibilities on them. But I do expect all of them to clean up when they're done eating, keep their rooms clean and put away their toys before playing with something else.

They've had certain responsibilities pretty much from the start its normal for them. When we have gone to other peoples homes, and they would clean up their mess before we would leave, some of our friends have said 'wow that's amazing how do you get them to do that?'

Friday, April 27, 2007

My Swinging Days Are Over!

It's gone!... Our family tree is no more!.....When we moved into this house 12 years ago, my wife and I both agreed, we loved this neighborhood because it had so many big old trees. Those trees are slowly disappearing. Little green beetles killed our tree....Our neighborhood will never be the same. I think it's time to move!

I have had many fond memories from that tree. When the triplets were one, I climbed that tree and hung a swing from a branch that was about 20 feet up. I would push the swing so hard, it seemed like they would go a mile before they came back. Some times people driving down our block would stop and watch with a look of terror on their faces.

The boys have used that swing every summer. From the time they were one, they loved that swing. The phrase 'my turn' were some of their first words... then when we had all five boys saying 'my turn','my turn','my turn','my turn','my turn'(kind of like those seagulls in Finding Nemo), I would push them until I nearly passed out...We started using a time limit after that. Last summer when Grace was one, she got to go too...she loved it!. Now the tree is gone and all I have are a few pictures and ...a bad back....

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Video Games Are Good!

I was in the kitchen and found myself whistling along to that old familiar tune. The only thing was, the tune was the theme song from the video game that the boys were playing in the other room. ...I'm thinking, I've definitely heard that song way too much! ..Ohh No!.....My children's minds are being sucked into that black hole called a game console. ..So I went in the other room and turned the game off.

.....Then I read this article online.

The Good Things About Video Games

  • Good-quality video games offer lots of benefits to kids. They can:

  • provide a fun and social form of entertainment

  • encourage teamwork and cooperation when played with others

  • make kids feel comfortable with technology—particularly important for girls, who don't use technology as much as boys

  • increase children's self-confidence and self-esteem as they master games

  • develop skills in reading, math, and problem-solving

  • improve eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills

  • ...So there you have it, boy was I wrong !...This is just what my kids need ! ..Right up there next to vitamins and exercise! Who am I to deny my children, the wonderful benefits, video games can provide?

    ...I'll tell ya who I am...I'm the Dad that's who! ...Geesh ...That article had to be written by the same people that are marketing this stuff . ....So is ok ...but I'm thinking less is more!!!

    Maybe we'll make something with paper mache today : )

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    Tonight is a Fast Food Night!

    It all started when I woke up this morning. I set the alarm wrong and I got up an hour late...

    The boys had homework yesterday and it was so nice outside, I told them go out and play, they could do it this morning before school... Oooops!

    After We Got in the van the boys were like "Dad you forgot to pack us a snack!"...Oooops!

    We got to the school and Collin said "Dad you forgot to put my folder back in my backpack"...Oooops!

    "O yea and its library day, at school today and we forgot our library books at home."...Oooops!

    When I took Ethan & Franklin in to their preschool class, they immediately told their teacher "Mrs. JoAnna we had cake for breakfast today "...(Another running late improvisation)... Oooops!

    Then, when I picked up Brendan, Collin and Daniel they told me they recieved a tardy at school today...Their first one actually... Oooops!


    I cant wait for homeschooling next year!

    Tuesday, April 24, 2007

    We All Scream for Ice Cream!

    The walls were starting to close in around here. It's so nice to finally have good weather. Shorts and tank tops - good! Ice cream outside - good! Bees buzzing - good!....ok so maybe we could do without the yellow jackets..the boys all came running back in the house yelling ..bees...bees!.

    Grace has now added the word 'outsi" to her vocabulary... she loves drawing a line with the sidewalk chalk and saying "look dad"..then drawing another line and saying "look dad"..then drawing another line and saying "look dad", you get the picture. I got the boys bikes out of the garage and they rode like the wind bullseye. We grilled steaks on the barby while basking in the sunshine, all is well with the world again!!!

    Wednesday, April 18, 2007

    I'm Talk'in Trash Here Folks!

    It's garbage day tomorrow so its time to put the trash out again......geesh!
    Have you ever seen so much garbage....I'm talkin trash here folks, complete with poopy diapers and everything. In fact, my garbage men have carried away like tons of those smelly little packages...They'll probably have some kind of party when Grace gets potty trained!

    I remember one time, there was this new guy...I was out side and said "Hi", and he says to me.... "Yea your the guy with all the diapers". ....I mean like that's how we were referred to on their route. Hmmm, I guess that's why we had the new guy...we must be some kind of training stop.

    Tuesday, April 17, 2007

    Make a Loop Then Wrraaaaap Around It... that's the second time this week I have had to un-tie the double knot on my own gym shoes!...
    ...I guess after having to tie shoes on 12 different feet, every time we go somewhere, I am now unable to tie a single knot!!

    I have decided its time for all of them to learn to tie there own shoes NOW!
    Although,it still might be a little difficult for Grace ..since she's not quite two years old yet....and she hates wearing shoes.

    Grace does however learn very fast... The other day she was like "toilet" "toilet"...She walks in the bathroom, pulls down her pants... then she stands pressed up to the front of the toilet with the lid up..and raises her shirt. She has definitely been learning from her five older BROTHERS!!!!Ha Ha Ha!

    Hey get this....we were in McDonald's this evening and one of the employees comes around the counter..."o my gosh..o my gosh are they?..." to which my wife promptly responds.."triplets and twins" then another employee comes around the counter pointing at my kids..and her co-worker fills her in with "triplets and twins" so she says...."O Yea.. I hear a lot of families are doing that these days..."
    Ha Ha Ha..My wife and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows and started cracking up!!

    Saturday, April 14, 2007

    Bowling Bonanza!

    Where ever we go people say things like... "O my gosh - you have your own baseball team" ..or "Holy cow - you have your own basketball team"....then there's my personal favorite... WOW - YOU HAVE YOUR HANDS FULL! .....(If I had a $1 for every time I heard that, Donald Trump and I would be traveling in the same circles.)

    Anyway we do actually have our very own bowling team, and with only 4 games left in the season, we are still in first place in the league!.. Also, Every week, we wear a different cool is that!

    Sunday, April 8, 2007

    An Eggcellent Easter!

    We laughed... We cried... We died......eggs
    (...note to self, boil more eggs than you need next time, in case some break!)

    6am ..."Dad is it Easter yet"
    ...'whisper' 'whisper' ...."I saw them"..."me too!!!".."I'm going to look too"...

    Theres no such thing as too much candy.....that is ..unless your the parent.

    The stone's been rolled away
    And now His body isn't there....

    Thursday, April 5, 2007

    That's Some Family Tree!


    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    To Infinity and .....Beyond!!!

    I'm actually stationed at the Gamma Quadrant in Sector Four, as an elite Universe Protection Unit.

    Tuesday, April 3, 2007

    A Family of Nine !

    We are Livin Large ...and Life is Good!!

    I am the proud father of Seven ... My Oldest Daughter, Alyssa (17), Triplet Boys - Brendan (6) Collin (6) Daniel (6), Twin Boys - Ethan (5) Franklin (5) and The Baby, Grace (21Mos.). My name is Sean and my wonderful wife is Sue. I am a stay at home dad and although challenging at times, raising my children is the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

    OK... so I decided to start this blog...and I welcome any comments, tips and or advice....if not I have a bunch fasten your seat belts this might get a little bumpy.

    In the beginning... there was just Sue, Myself and Alyssa. We both worked and Alyssa attended was a simple life, an easy life, no worries.....Then it happened...........dunt dunt- dunt dunt- dunt dunt....The ultrasound!!!!!!Aahhhhh
    The last 7 years of my life have gone by like a blur...come to think of it every thing is looking a little blurry lately ..maybe I just need some glasses. Anyway, when the triplets were born, my wife and I both agreed one of us should stay home full time. Sue is a nurse; her benefits were one of the biggest reasons for our decision that it would be me. So I went to part time with my job as a realtor and full time as Super Diaper Changing Dad (without the cape)... Then ...just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water...dunt dunt- dunt dunt- dunt dunt....The ultrasound!!!!!!..Again!!!!Aahhhh...My twins were born I put my career on hold entirely and just held babies instead ..O yea and did I mention diapers( so I got a just looked like a blankie). Three years later we skipped the ultasound - I just used my x-ray vision......we only had one..Grace is easy...That is unless its a 16 YEAR OLD (teenage)DAUGHTER followed by FIVE SCREEEAMING BOYS and a BABY...Aahhhh!!!
    Well that the boys are school age and I could finally get a break, we thought ..hey...why not homeschool ..(((putting on cape)))..(actually there are many good reasons, sound reasons to homeschool.......really!). Soooo... starting next fall, we will have our very own classroom full. We are excited about home schooling and are currently looking into different curriculums, desks, chalkboards, crossing guards, counselors, teachers etc...