OK, I have to admit, I'm a bit of a pack rat(my wife would say that's an understatement). When it comes to saving things,I've got this 'ya never know when you might need this' mentality. But today is a new day! Today I threw that mentality out the window, along with numerous garbage cans full of stuff. I'm on a mission and I'm taking no prisoners.
It's spring cleaning with a vengeance. Even the boys are working. It's amazing how fast five boys can clean a room...like a machine. They're no strangers to cleaning. They've actually had to learn to do more things, at a younger age, than most. I've found that children are much more capable, than many give them credit for. Grace is already starting to help set the table. She also puts her dirty dishes in the sink and throws away her own garbage, and she's not even two yet. I certainly don't put any huge responsibilities on them. But I do expect all of them to clean up when they're done eating, keep their rooms clean and put away their toys before playing with something else.
They've had certain responsibilities pretty much from the start ...so its normal for them. When we have gone to other peoples homes, and they would clean up their mess before we would leave, some of our friends have said 'wow that's amazing how do you get them to do that?'