We are Livin Large ...and Life is Good!!
I am the proud father of Seven ... My Oldest Daughter, Alyssa (17), Triplet Boys - Brendan (6) Collin (6) Daniel (6), Twin Boys - Ethan (5) Franklin (5) and The Baby, Grace (21Mos.). My name is Sean and my wonderful wife is Sue. I am a stay at home dad and although challenging at times, raising my children is the most rewarding thing I've ever done.
OK... so I decided to start this blog...and I welcome any comments, tips and or advice....if not I have a bunch myself...so fasten your seat belts this might get a little bumpy.
In the beginning... there was just Sue, Myself and Alyssa. We both worked and Alyssa attended school...it was a simple life, an easy life, no worries.....Then it happened...........dunt dunt- dunt dunt- dunt dunt....The ultrasound!!!!!!Aahhhhh
The last 7 years of my life have gone by like a blur...come to think of it every thing is looking a little blurry lately ..maybe I just need some glasses. Anyway, when the triplets were born, my wife and I both agreed one of us should stay home full time. Sue is a nurse; her benefits were one of the biggest reasons for our decision that it would be me. So I went to part time with my job as a realtor and full time as Super Diaper Changing Dad (without the cape)... Then ...just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water...dunt dunt- dunt dunt- dunt dunt....The ultrasound!!!!!!..Again!!!!Aahhhh...My twins were born ..so I put my career on hold entirely and just held babies instead ..O yea and did I mention diapers( so I got a cape....ok...it just looked like a blankie). Three years later we skipped the ultasound - I just used my x-ray vision......we only had one..Grace ...one-----one is easy...That is unless its a 16 YEAR OLD (teenage)DAUGHTER followed by FIVE SCREEEAMING BOYS and a BABY...Aahhhh!!!
Well ...now that the boys are school age and I could finally get a break, we thought ..hey...why not homeschool ..(((putting on cape)))..(actually there are many good reasons, sound reasons to homeschool.......really!). Soooo... starting next fall, we will have our very own classroom full. We are excited about home schooling and are currently looking into different curriculums, desks, chalkboards, crossing guards, counselors, teachers etc...
I can tell this will be a great blog to read on a regular basis! I will start homeschooling my triplets in the fall. I know it is what is best for them, but I fear all the work it will be for me. I look forward to hearing about your homeschooling endevours.
Can't wait to follow your progress. I'm homeschooling my quartet for preschool only. Only because it costs one billion dollars to send them to preschool. But after that I plan on driving warp speed to the nearest school and dropping them off, LOL!
Seriously though, I've really enjoyed doing school with them. I never thought it would be so much fun. Kuddos to you for even attempting something so big!!!!
Whoops, just deleted my comment! It sounds like you have a great family and a terrific sense of humor! I look forward to getting "to know" your family!
We have BBB triplets who just turned 2! My husband watches the kids while I teach, then we pass the baton after school so he can go to work. I love hearing about SAHD!
I love your blog. I homeschooled my oldest 2 and loved it. Now that they are in highschool they wanted to go to school. As it turns out, it was a great thing since I ended up with triplets just after school started. I look forward to homeschooling the trio at least for a time and when they are old enough. I just started our own blog and I wish I was as creative as you and some of the others. Mine is pretty boring. Oh well. I look forward to keeping up with your wonderful family through your blog.
Just when I think my life couldn't be any more chaotic - I read something like this!!!
And then I wonder ... what am I complaining about?!?
Love your blog. Maybe it's because I love you and your family soooo much. You and Sue are great parents and your children are so loving and well behaved. Any grandmother would be bursting with pride, as I am. Look what God can do, He has blessed me beyond infinity.
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