It all started when I woke up this morning. I set the alarm wrong and I got up an hour late...
The boys had homework yesterday and it was so nice outside, I told them go out and play, they could do it this morning before school... Oooops!
After We Got in the van the boys were like "Dad you forgot to pack us a snack!"...Oooops!
We got to the school and Collin said "Dad you forgot to put my folder back in my backpack"...Oooops!
"O yea and its library day, at school today and we forgot our library books at home."...Oooops!
When I took Ethan & Franklin in to their preschool class, they immediately told their teacher "Mrs. JoAnna we had cake for breakfast today "...(Another running late improvisation)... Oooops!
Then, when I picked up Brendan, Collin and Daniel they told me they recieved a tardy at school today...Their first one actually... Oooops!
I cant wait for homeschooling next year!
That tardy will follow them the rest of their lives! Hee hee..
Welcome to reason numbers 121, 122 and 123 to homeschool. So glad to have you among our ranks.
Shelly M.
I came so close to doing that today too- but then I made eggs and hashbrowns.
It has been one of those days!
How about fruit snacks for breakfast? Does that count as a fruit??
At least you got them all in the car and didn't leave anybody behind. I count that as a huge plus which counteracts any ooopses!
Looking forward to seeing you on the 'dark' side very soon!
Heather W.
Good for people to know.
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