It's garbage day tomorrow so its time to put the trash out again......geesh!
Have you ever seen so much garbage....I'm talkin trash here folks, complete with poopy diapers and everything. In fact, my garbage men have carried away like tons of those smelly little packages...They'll probably have some kind of party when Grace gets potty trained!
I remember one time, there was this new guy...I was out side and said "Hi", and he says to me.... "Yea your the guy with all the diapers". ....I mean like that's how we were referred to on their route. Hmmm, I guess that's why we had the new guy...we must be some kind of training stop.
Soon to be principal Dad huh?
Your blog always makes me smile. I sure do remember those diaper trash days. Thank heavens mine are potty trained now.
So what are you doing for curriculum in the homeschooling area?
Maybe it says it somewhere, I'll have to go look, but how old are your kiddos? Mine will turn 5 in July, so I will start K in the fall. I sure would like some tips on how you get them all to listen.
Thanks Chelle, My twins are 5 and my triplets are 6 but will be turning 7 next month.
My wife and I will be attending a Homeschooling conference
next month, to get a better idea on which curriculum we will choose.
Oh, and if you want your kids to listen, just video tape yourself, then play it for them on T.V. ...kids love T.V. ...lol..just kidding :)
You gotta love the trash. My husband went on vacation for a week, and I didn't take the trash out to the curb once - in the middle of summer - in Las Vegas. I was certain that CSI would be here to find the bodies. But luckily my husband decided to come back and took care of it for me! You guys are good for something!
I had 4 in diapers at a time, but I did cloth then because I was sooooo not going to spend that kind of dough each month at once lol. I saw you on the macomb site and was looking at your blog. Very neat! I find myself getting "bored" with my six children and long to add some more. I think if I had a set of trips followed by a set of twins I would solve that problem of bordem. ;) So where do I sign up for that service since"a lot of people are doing that these days" I think is how the Mc D's worker put it. ;)
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